If you're thinking about getting married, Costa Rica is a beautiful place to do it. We can help you arrange a private wedding ceremony at the villa of your choice. A professional caterer and wedding planner are also available. After your wedding you can then stay and have a fabulous honeymoon. Below are some things to keep in mind if you want to get married in Costa Rica.
Advance Information Requirements
Like most foreign countries, Costa Rica requires some paperwork in order to get married here. The beautiful setting and relaxed atmosphere are well worth it. A lawyer is appointed to handle everything required to make your marriage legal in Costa Rica and your home country. The following papers need to be presented at least one month in advance of your arrival to ensure a smooth and stress-free wedding day.
Full name of both Bride and Groom, first, middle and last. No initials will be accepted.
Passport numbers and nationality
Birth dates
Place of birth
Foreign address
Father's full name and nationality
Mother's full maiden name and nationality
Parent's address
Marital Status
If divorced you need to provide a copy of the divorce decree. If the Bride has been divorced for less than 12 months, she must present a negative pregnancy test to the nearest Costa Rican consulate for authentication.
The Bride and Groom need to bring their original passports, two copies of their passports, and one copy of their witnesses' passport. Upon arrival, they are required to sign a sworn statement that all information provided is correct. After the ceremony, the Bride, Groom, and witnesses sign a marriage certificate. The certificate is filed in Costa Rica and your country's embassy, and a copy is sent to your home town.
Can I Get A Witness?
Costa Rican law requires two witnesses to sign the necessary documents. If you need witnesses, we are happy to provide them for you. If you are traveling with friends they may act as your witnesses, however, immediate family members are not allowed to act as witnesses. Your witnesses needs to supply the following information:
Full name, no initials
Date and place of birth
Current address
Passport number and nationality
Marital status
For more information contact Steve at 404-892-2575 or paradise@costaricavillas.com